- ABC - Any Job, Better Job, Career -- EmployIndy targeted, integrated approach that would focus on meeting the needs of residents in areas of the city and describes a generalized understanding of the three different levels of employment.
- Any Job - entry level with minimum certifications and experience, typically minimum wage to $13/hr
- Better Job - requires certifications and/or training past an HSE, with 2-5 years of experience, opportunity to grow professionally and in earnings potential; wages run from $13/hr to $19/hr
- Career - requires postsecondary diplomas or industry specific certifications, wages are typically $20/hr+
- agent - a contractor, intern, or other part-time employee performing services for EmployIndy
- Applicant tracking system - EmployIndy's contracted job board Reference: 1. EmployIndy Employer Services policy, April 2017
- attending school - To be “attending school” a youth must be enrolled in a secondary school or postsecondary school. Reference: 1. EmployIndy WIOA Participant Eligibility policy, April 2018
- basic skills deficient -
- the individual computes or solves problems, reads, writes, or speaks English below the ninth-grade level
- an adult or youth who is unable to compute or solve problems, or read, write, or speak English, at a level necessary to function on the job, in the individual’s family, or in society. The Indiana Department of Workforce Development adds clarity to that definition by classifying individuals with any of the following conditions as basic skills deficient:
- Lacks a high school or high school equivalency diploma and is not enrolled in secondary education;
- Is assessed at or below 8.9 grade-level on the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education);
- Is enrolled in a Title II adult education program including enrolled in English as a Second Language program;
- Is eligible for WorkINdiana (Title II participants are eligible for WorkINdiana funding up to a year after exit); or
- Has other issues observed by the case manager of deficient functioning and records those observations as justification in a case note
- Behind in credits to graduate on time with peer cohort; or • GPA 2.0 or below; or • Have taken any of the following assessments and scored below established criteria for graduation requirements:
Assessment English Reading/Writing Math Other ACT 17 or below 21 or below 21 or below SAT 9th Grade 120-400 120-440 SAT 10th Grade 160-420 160-470 SAT 11th Grade 160-450 160-500 ASVAB 30 or below ILEARN 8th Grade 5510 or below 6508 or below - BEI - Business Equity for Indy -- a joint effort of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership, the Indy Chamber, in collaboration with the Indianapolis Urban League to grow a more inclusive business climate and build greater equity and economic opportunity for the Indy Region’s Black residents and people of color
- brand representative - An individual assigned to strategically assume the personality of and post on behalf of a brand through a social media channel Reference: 1. EmployIndy Social Media Content policy, May 2017
- CAFE - Community Alliance of the Far Eastside -- Community based organization (CBO) on the far eastside at the corner of 38th and Post. CAFE receives different funding streams from EmployIndy (EI) used for programming with youth and adult job seekers.
- case management - an organized, structured process for moving clients towards self-sufficient employment Reference: 1. EmployIndy Case Management policy, May 2017
- Case Management policy - The EmployIndy Case Management policy may be found here: https://library.employindy.org/wiki/1-3-case-management/ The purpose of this policy is to provide expectations for proper case management to staff serving clients in the EmployIndy Ecosystem. This policy applies to all staff who manage case files for an EmployIndy program.
- CBO - Community Based Organization -- public or private not-for-profit resource hubs that provide specific services to the community or targeted population within the community
- CDBG - Community Development Block Grant -- provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons
- CHE - Commission for Higher Education -- facilitates the state’s progress toward the goal of 60% of working-age Hoosiers having a quality college degree or credential by the year 2025 by providing actionable and meaningful statistics on postsecondary education outcome
- CICP - Central Indiana Corporate Partnership -- brings together the chief executives of Central Indiana’s prominent corporations, foundations and universities in a strategic and collaborative effort dedicated to the region’s continued prosperity and growth
- Co-Enrollment - The purpose of co-enrollment is to facilitate service delivery alignment and encourage the braiding of resources to address the training and employment needs of job seekers and business customers at the local level.[1]https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2021-08-P_Co-Enrollment_Common_Exit.pdf
- Common exit - Common exit occurs when a , enrolled in multiple partner programs, has not received services from any DOL-administered program in which the participant is enrolled, to which the common exit policy applies, for at least 90 days, and no future services are planned. The following programs are affected by common exit:
- WIOA Title I
- National Dislocated Worker Grants
- Wagner-Peyser
- confidential information - includes, but is not limited to, social security number, payroll documents, name, address, date of birth, telephone number, or information which has been designated by statute, rule or regulation Reference: 1. EmployIndy Information Security and Confidentiality policy, May 2018
- conflict of interest - A circumstance in which an individual or the organization they represent has a personal or financial interest that impairs, or gives the appearance of impairing, his or her ability to make unbiased decisions and duties on behalf of Employlndy Reference: 1. EmployIndy Conflict of Interest policy, December 2017
- covered person for purposes of veteran priority of service - The following individuals:
- A veteran
- The spouse of any of the following individuals:
- Any veteran who died of a service-connected disability.
- Any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who, at the time of application for the priority, is listed in one or more of the following categories and has been so listed for a total of more than 90 days:
- Missing in action,
- Captured in line of duty by a hostile force, or
- Forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power.
- Any veteran who has a total disability result from a service-connected disability, as evaluated by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Any veteran who died while a disability, as indicated in c above was in existence
- covered veteran for purposes of veteran priority of service - Includes any of the following veterans:
- Disabled veterans.
- Veterans who served on active duty in the Armed Forces during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized.
- Veterans who, while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order No. 12985 (61 Fed. Reg. 1209).
- Recently separated veterans.
- customized training - Training that is designed to meet the specific needs of an employer or group of employers that is conducted with the intent of the employer to hire the individuals after successful completion of the training. It further indicates that a significant portion of the training costs will be paid for by the employer. The percentage to be paid by the employer will be determined by the local board and will be based on multiple factors including size of the employer and other factors the board may determine as appropriate. Finally, it indicates that the portion to be paid by the employer when the employer is located in multiple areas of the State will be determined by the Governor Reference: 1. EmployIndy Customized Training policy, May 2017
- CWF - Center for Working Families -- developed by the Casey Foundation, the Center for Working Families model helps low-income individuals and families get on a path to financial stability.
- date of exit - The last date that a non-follow-up service was provided Reference: 1. EmployIndy Follow-Up policy, May 2018
- DEIB - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging -- creating and maintaining a successful workplace; one founded on the principle that all people can thrive personally and professionally
- dependent children - Either:
- Any child under the age of 18; or
- Any child over the age of 17 who did not provide more than 50% of his/her own support for the 6 months prior to application
- desktop monitoring - Utilization of exception management reports and random review of participant files on a periodic basis to ensure accuracy of service provision, documentation, and data validation Reference: 1. EmployIndy Technical Assistance and Monitoring policy, May 2017
- direct financial interest - The receipt of financial compensation directly by the individual or the organization they represent Reference: 1. EmployIndy Conflict of Interest policy, December 2017
- DRDWG - Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant -- provide funding to create temporary employment opportunities to assist with clean-up and recovery efforts
- DVOP services - Services to veterans with barriers to employment and/or special training needs. Such services include:
- Conducting an assessment (minimum requirement)
- Developing a plan of action that is documented (minimum requirement)
- Providing career guidance
- Coordinating supportive services
- Making job development contacts
- Providing referrals to training
- Making referrals to job openings
- DWD - Department of Workforce Development -- connects people and employers through engagement with continued transparency and accountability, while celebrating, valuing and prioritizing equity, inclusion and diversity
- EAP - Employee Assistance Program -- an employee benefit program that assists employees with personal problems and/or work-related problems that may impact their job performance, health, mental and emotional well-being
- Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) - Under WIOA, each state is required to compile and disseminate a single statewide list of eligible training providers, known as the ETPL. Training providers and programs must be on the ETPL to receive WIOA funding.[3]2021-21-TA_ICC_Training_Activity_Codes.pdf
- Eligible Training Providers - An Eligible Training Provider is an entity that provides a program of training services and has been determined as eligible to receive WIOA funding for training services through an Individual Training Account (ITA)[4]2021-21-TA_ICC_Training_Activity_Codes.pdf
- ELL - English Language Learner -- a person who is learning the English language and has a native language that is not English
- EmployIndy brand - Any organization, program, or initiative funded through EmployIndy Reference: 1. EmployIndy Social Media Content policy, May 2017
- EmployIndy system - WorkOne Service Providers, individuals conducting business with a WorkOne location, EmployIndy staff, and individuals working within any EmployIndy contracted service provider locations Reference: 1. EmployIndy Information Security and Confidentiality policy, May 2018; EmployIndy Case Management policy, May 2017; EmployIndy Email Standardization policy, May 2017; EmployIndy External Communication policy, May 2017; EmployIndy Social Media Content policy, May 2017; EmployIndy Computer and Equipment Usage, December 2017
- EmployIndy technology - Computers, telephones, fax machines, copiers, internet/intranet access and any other electronic device used for communication Reference: 1. EmployIndy Computer and Equipment Usage policy, December 2017
- equipment - Tangible, non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year Reference: 1. EmployIndy Equipment Management & Inventory policy, May 2017
- ERDWG - Employment Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant -- time-limited funding assistance in response to major economic dislocations or other events that cause significant impact on states and local areas
- ETO - Efforts to Outcomes -- data collection/reporting system used with providers who receive funds
- ETP - Eligible Training Providers -- an entity that provides a program of training services and has been determined as eligible to receive WIOA funding for training services
- excessive use - Use that interferes with normal job functions, responsiveness, or the ability to perform daily job activities Reference: 1. EmployIndy Computer and Equipment Usage policy, December 2017
- Exit - As defined for the purpose of performance calculations, exit is the point after which a participant who has received services through any program meets the following criteria:
- For the Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs authorized under WIOA Title I, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) program authorized under WIOA Title II, and the Employment Service program authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by WIOA Title III, exit date is the last date of service.
- The last day of service cannot be determined until at least 90 days have elapsed; since the participant last received services, with no plans to provide the participant; with future services. Services do not include self-service, information-only services or follow-up services.[5]https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2021-08-P_Co-Enrollment_Common_Exit.pdf
- For the Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs authorized under WIOA Title I, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) program authorized under WIOA Title II, and the Employment Service program authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by WIOA Title III, exit date is the last date of service.
- exited WIOA - A participant exits after the participant goes 90 days without receiving any services other than self-service, informational, or follow-up and there are no future services planned other than follow-up Reference: 1. EmployIndy Follow-Up policy, May 2018
- FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid -- the official form to apply for federal financial aid to pay for college. It is also used by many states, individual colleges, and universities in making their financial aid decisions
- family - Two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or decree of court, who are living in a single residence, and are included in one or more of the following categories:
- Spouses and their dependent children;
- A parent or guardian and dependent children;
- Spouses
- follow-up - any contact with an individual to ensure retention or identify barriers once they have exited the program. These services may include, but are not limited to:
- Leadership development
- Contact with the participant’s employer, including assistance in addressing work-related problems that arise
- Assistance in securing better paying jobs, career development and further education
- Mentoring
- Work-related group or one-on-one meetings
- Supportive services and referrals to supportive services available in the community; and
- Tracking the progress of the participant in employment after training
- full-time - working 30 hours or more in a one week period Reference: 1. EmployIndy Employer Services policy, April 2017
- GWI - Good Wages Initiative -- certifies, celebrates, and showcases Marion County employers committed to providing full-time employees both a wage of at least $18/hr and access to employer-sponsored health insurance benefit
- have not attended school for at least the most recent complete school calendar quarter - Most schools do not operate on a calendar quarter basis. Therefore, this clause is defined to mean the most recent 45 school/instructional days or the most recent traditional 9-week school period. If a student meets either of these conditions, they will be considered to have not attended school for the most recent complete school calendar quarter Reference: 1. EmployIndy WIOA Participant Eligibility policy, April 2018
- high risk - demonstrating noncompliance or the potential risk of noncompliance of the provisions set in a contract and/or grant management Reference: 1. EmployIndy Technical Assistance and Monitoring policy, May 2017
- HR - Human Resources -- the division of a business responsible for finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants as well as administering benefits and leave, and enforcing company policies and procedures
- IA - Indy Achieves -- program that makes the journey easier for Indianapolis families by removing barriers and providing a debt-free pathway to a better future
- ICC - Indiana Career Connect -- provides workforce services and tools to help employers connect with job-ready talent
- IEP - Individual Employment Plan -- an individual plan for a participant, which includes an employment goal, appropriate achievement objectives, and the appropriate combination of services for the participant based on an objective assessment
- immediate family member - includes a husband, wife, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, or the spouse or step-relation of any of these or a person living in the same household as the employee Reference: 1. EmployIndy Conflict of Interest policy, December 2017
- immersive career development experience - any career development course online or in person that provides the participant with best practices in at least all the following professional development areas:
- Personal/professional branding
- Resume/cover letter writing
- Interviewing/mock interviewing
- Professional communication
- Job search
- Networking
- Self-assessment
- Financial planning
- Career planning
- Goal-setting
- INCE - Indiana Career Explorer -- tool that empowers people to explore careers and plan their next steps
- incentive payment - a payment made to a participant for meeting specific objectives of the program. Examples for incentive payments would include payments for attendance, securing diplomas or credentials and obtaining/retaining employment. The accomplishments tied to the incentive payments can vary, but must be in-line with the objectives of the program Reference: 1. EmployIndy YouthBuild Indy policy, April 2017
- indirect financial interest - This exists if a party transacting business with Employlndy is an entity: (a) in which a covered person or a member of his/her immediate family has a material financial interest; (b) with which a covered person or a member of his/her immediate family has a substantial business relationship; or (c) of which a covered person or a member of his/her immediate family is an officer, director or general partner. Reference: 1. EmployIndy Conflict of Interest policy, December 2017
- Individual Employment Plan - an individual plan for a participant, which includes an employment goal, appropriate achievement objectives, and the appropriate combination of services for the participant based on an objective assessment Reference: 1. EmployIndy On-The-Job Training policy, May 2018
- Individual Service Strategy - A plan developed for each participant that is directly linked to one or more of the indicators of performance, and identifies a career pathway which includes education and employment goals. The ISS must:
- Include career planning and the results of objective assessments
- Include education and employment goals
- Include achievement objectives and services
- Directly link to one or more performance indicators
- Identify an appropriate career pathway. Assessment tools to identify appropriate career pathways can include:
- Indiana Career Connect.
- Indiana Career Explorer.
- Individual Training Account - An account established by the EmployIndy system service provider on behalf of an eligible job seeker to procure training services Reference: 1. EmployIndy Customized Training policy, May 2017
- individualized career services - One of the three subcategories that make up career services. Individualized career services involve significant interaction between the participant and the case manager and is the starting point for case management. Examples of individualized career services can be found at 29 C.F.R. § 463.430(b) Reference: 1. EmployIndy Case Management policy, May 2017
- Information Security Officer - A designated EmployIndy staff member or contractor whose responsibilities include:
- Developing and/or advising on the development of the risk-based information security program, policies, procedures, and control techniques to address all applicable regulatory and industry information security requirements.
- Ensuring that personnel tasked with supporting compliance with information security policies, processes, standards, and control techniques are properly trained and/or certified.
- ISS - Individual Service Strategy -- A plan developed for each participant that is directly linked to one or more of the indicators of performance, and identifies a career pathway which includes education and employment goals. ISS Template is accessible here
- ITA - Individual Training Accounts -- An account established by the EmployIndy system service provider on behalf of an eligible job seeker to procure training services
- JA - Junior Achievement -- organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices
- JAG - Jobs for America’s Graduates -- a state-affiliated program based on a national model, available to juniors and seniors in high school that teaches them resume building, career exploration, and creates available tools for students to explore different curricula
- job shadow - A short-term, non-wage activity which introduces a participant to the workplace and provides exposure to occupational areas of interest to increase career awareness. Job shadowing is limited and allows youth to observe only Reference: 1. EmployIndy Work-Based Learning for Youth and Young Adults policy, April 2017
- JRI - Job Ready Indy -- a workforce development initiative that aims to validate the attainment of job skills by participants through an online badging system
- L.I. - Low Income -- defined by WIOA sec. 3(36), describes individuals who meet one of these Economically Disadvantaged Criteria 1
- LEAP - Linking to Employment Activities Pre-Release -- links transitioning sentenced offenders in the Marion County Jail with a range of community-based workforce services pre-release that prepare them for employment and increase their opportunities for successful re-entry into Marion County
- LEI - Lilly Endowment Grant -- $5.2 million in grants to EmployIndy to strengthen the services it offers to local organizations that help youth and young adults connect to education support, training, and job coaching
- LH - Learning Hub -- EmployIndy platform where you can complete online learning and training courses
- LMI - Labor Market Information -- all the quantitative data, like numbers and statistics, and qualitative information, or the personal stories to support the data, related to employment and the workforce
- LWDB - Local Workforce Development Board -- set policies for and oversee a set of workforce programs and services funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- MAP - Modern Apprenticeship -- a two- to three-year program designed to prepare Central Indiana high school students for the workforce with paid, hands-on experience that complements their traditional coursework
- material financial interest - A financial interest of any kind, which, in view of all the circumstances, is substantial enough that it would, or reasonably could, affect an Interested Person's or Family Member's judgment with respect to transactions to which the entity is a party Reference: 1. EmployIndy Conflict of Interest policy, December 2017
- NDWG - National Dislocated Worker Grant -- Provides resources to states and other eligible applicants to respond to large, unexpected layoff events causing significant job losses
- needs related payments - Payments which provide financial assistance to participants for the purpose of enabling individuals to participate in training and are one of the supportive services authorized by WIOA section 134(d)(2) Reference: 1. EmployIndy Supportive Services policy, May 2017
- nontraditional employment - Occupations or fields of work, for which individuals from the gender involved comprise less than 25 percent of the individuals employed in each such occupation or field of work. Reference: 1. WIOA sec. 3(37)
- normal work schedule - A normal work schedule in terms of hours will be capped at 40 hours per week. Overtime hours are not considered to be part of a normal work schedule for the purposes of this policy. This definition is in reference to the policy statement that employers many not use customized training to reduce the hours of work for existing employees below their normal schedule Reference: 1. EmployIndy Customized Training policy, May 2017
- NSRN - New Skills Ready Network -- a cross-sector initiative developing pathways and policy recommendations that give underserved students access to higher education and real-world work experiences that lead to high-wage, in-demand jobs
- OJT - On-the-Job Training -- training provided by an employer to a paid participant while engaged in productive work in a job
- on-the-job training - Training provided by an employer to a paid participant while engaged in productive work in a job that a) provides knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job; b) provides reimbursement to the employer of up to 50% of the wage rate of the participant, for the extraordinary costs of providing the training and additional supervision related to the training; c) is limited in duration as appropriate to the occupation for which the participant is being trained, taking into account the content of the training, the prior work experience of the participant, and the service strategy of the participant, as appropriate Reference: 1. EmployIndy On-The-Job Training policy, May 2018
- other low income individual - An individual who meets one of the following:
- Receives, or in the past 6 months has received or is a member of a family that is receiving or has received in the past six months, assistance through the supplemental nutrition program (SNAP), TANF, supplemental security income under title XVI of the Social Security Act, or a state or local income-based public assistance program;
- Is in a family with total family income that does not exceed the higher of:
- The poverty line; or
- 70% of the lower living standard income level;
- Is a homeless individual;
- Is an individual with a disability whose own income meets the income requirements above but who is a member of family whose income does not meet this requirement
- other training and events - Includes training such as on-the-job training, customized training, work experience and other trainings as funding allows Reference: 1. EmployIndy Employer Services policy, April 2017
- OY - Opportunity Youth -- EmployIndy term regarding individuals aged 16-24 who have become disconnected from school and/or work, and are in need of support to reconnect them on a career path. See specific requirements here
- PACE - Public Advocates in Community Re-Entry -- provide a variety of services to individuals and families impacted by the justice system to ensure they are afforded the opportunity to lead productive and responsible lives in their communities
- part-time - Working less than 30 hours in one week period Reference: 1. EmployIndy Employer Services policy, April 2017
- participant - A reportable individual who has received services other than the services described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, after satisfying all applicable programmatic requirements for the provision of services, such as eligibility determination. (1) For the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program, a participant is a reportable individual who has an approved and signed Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) and has begun to receive services. (2) For the WIOA title I youth program, a participant is a reportable individual who has satisfied all applicable program requirements for the provision of services, including eligibility determination, an objective assessment, and development of an individual service strategy, and received 1 of the 14 WIOA youth program elements in sec. 129(c)(2) of WIOA. (3) The following individuals are not participants:
- Individuals in an Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) program who have not completed at least 12 contact hours;
- Individuals who only use the self-service system;.
- Subject to paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(B) of this section, self-service occurs when individuals independently access any workforce development system program’s information and activities in either a physical location, such as a one-stop center resource room or partner agency, or remotely via the use of electronic technologies.
- Self-service does not uniformly apply to all virtually accessed services. For example, virtually accessed services that provide a level of support beyond independent job or information seeking on the part of an individual would not qualify as self-service.
- Individuals who receive information-only services or activities, which provide readily available information that does not require an assessment by a staff member of the individual’s skills, education, or career objectives.
- period of participation - The period of time beginning when an individual becomes a WIOA participant and ending on the participant’s date of exit from the program Reference: 1. EmployIndy WIOA Individual Training Accounts policy, May 2018
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII) - Personally identifiable information (PII) is any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, either by itself or when combined with other PII, that is linked or is linkable to an individual. Both confidential and privileged information may contain PII. PII can be further delineated as sensitive PII (protected PII) and non-sensitive PII. Sensitive or protected PII includes any information that, if disclosed, could result in harm to the individual whose name or identity is linked to that information. Examples include, but are not limited to, social security numbers, IRS FTI, SSA UIQ response information, driver’s license ID information, biological information, email/postal addresses, credit or debit card numbers, bank account numbers, personal telephone numbers, ages, birthdates, marital status, spouse name, educational history, medical history, financial information, and computer usernames and passwords. Non-sensitive PII is information that, if disclosed by itself, could not reasonably be expected to result in personal harm to the individual whose name or identity is linked to that information. Examples include, but are not limited to, first and last names, general education, credentials, gender, or race. However, depending on the circumstances, a combination of non-sensitive PII could potentially be categorized as sensitive PII.
- PH - Power Huddle -- a two-week job readiness experience where individuals learn how they can change their future trajectory as well as develop a variety of employability skills that will help them map out and work towards reaching their academic, career, and life goals
- PI - Project Indy -- an online job board for Marion County’s youth. Project Indy is a portal (for desktop use or as an app for phones) where ages 16-to-24 can create a profile and apply for jobs near them
- PII - Personally Identifiable Information -- any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, either by itself or when combined with other PII, that is linked or is linkable to an individual
- POR - Purchase Order Request -- a request used in a company internally to get purchased goods or services
- PPE - Personal Protective Equipment -- equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses
- pre-apprenticeship program - a program or set of strategies designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship program and that has a documented partnership with at least one, if not more, Registered Apprenticeship program. All pre-apprenticeship programs must meet the following quality standards:
- Approved training and curriculum
- Strategies for long-term success
- Access to appropriate support services
- Promotes greater use of Registered Apprenticeship to increase future opportunities
- Provides meaningful hands-on experience that does not displace paid employees
- Facilitated entry and/or articulation
- Predictive Index - Predictive Index -- talent optimization platform
- priority of service - With respect to any qualified job training program means that a covered person shall be given priority over a non-covered person for the receipt of employment, training, and placement services provided under that program, notwithstanding any other provisions of the law Reference: 1. EmployIndy Veteran Priority of Service policy, May 2017
- privileged information - Information which is available only to authorized persons and is gained access to by one’s position or through partnership in contractual relationships with EmployIndy or the Department of Workforce Development Reference: 1. EmployIndy Information Security and Confidentiality policy, May 2018
- procurement - The overarching function that describes the activities and processes to acquire goods and services. Importantly, and distinct from “purchasing”, procurement includes the activities involved in establishing fundamental requirements, sourcing activities such as market research and vendor evaluation, and negotiation of contracts. It can also include the purchasing activities required to order and receive goods Reference: 1. EmployIndy Procurement policy, May 2017
- Project Plan - a series of formal documents that define the execution and control stages of a project
- REC - Re-engagement Centers -- locations which use sports recreation as a hook (primarily open gym basketball), connecting participants to education, case management, workforce development training, industry certifications, and job placement services when they are ready
- RESEA - RESEA is a federal program that provides intensive reemployment assistance to individuals who are receiving unemployment benefits and are determined likely to exhaust their benefits before becoming reemployed. RESEA provides an opportunity to engage Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants and acquaint them with services available through the WorkOne/American Job Centers (AJC) to support timely reemployment. RESEA funding must be used to implement evidenced-based interventions and service delivery strategies. Successful intervention activities and strategies will demonstrate a reduction in the average number of weeks claimants receive benefits by improving employment outcomes.[8]https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2021-16-P_RESEA.pdf
- RESEA - Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment -- federal program that provides intensive reemployment assistance to individuals who are receiving unemployment benefits and are determined likely to exhaust their benefits before becoming reemployed
- RFI - Request for Information -- a formal process for gathering information from potential suppliers of a good or service
- RFP - Request for Proposal -- a business document that announces a project, describes it, and solicits bids from qualified contractors to complete it
- RFQ - Request for Quote -- a process in which a company solicits select suppliers and contractors to submit price quotes and bids for the chance to fulfill certain tasks or projects
- RL - Resource Library -- online content that complements Learning Hub courses as well as EmployIndy policies and procedures along with other resources
- RRR - Rapid Re-Employment Response -- a free and easy-to-use job-search platform for all Indianapolis residents
- SOP - Standard Operating Procedure -- a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations
- SSC - Student Success Coach -- responsible for supporting Marion County Indiana students to success at the college level (Ivy Tech and IUPUI)
- SSP - Scholar Success Program -- roadmap for 21st Century Scholars to follow throughout their high school years, encouraging key milestones for postsecondary access and success
- TAA - Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) - Certification provided by US DOL to a group of workers who lost their jobs due to foreign competition. Adversely affected worker could be eligible as WIOA Dislocated Worker and/or WIOA Adult.[9]https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2015-JUL-01-M_IG_Elig_Data_Validation_Except_Youth-Adult_Edu_V3.pdf.pdf
- TAA - Trade Adjustment Assistance -- certification provided by US DOL to a group of workers who lost their jobs due to foreign competition
- TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families -- designed to help welfare recipients obtain and maintain jobs. This program provides assistance to families with children and requires adults to work or prepare for work
- TB - Talent Bound -- vehicle to provide the students in Marion County access to authentic work-based learning experiences
- TORQ - Transferable Occupation Relationship Quotient -- a web application that empowers job seekers to take on new jobs and career paths using the TORQ algorithm - and gives employers and workforce professionals skills validation for their hiring needs
- Touchpoint - any encounter where customers and business engage to exchange information, provide service, or handle transactions
- Voc Rehab - Vocational Rehabilitation Services -- provides quality individualized services to enhance and support people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain or retain employment
- WEX - Work Experience -- planned, structured, and time-limited learning experiences that take place in a workplace via a contractual exchange
- WIA - Workforce Investment Act -- employment and training program legislation that was effective as of July 1, 2000 intended to consolidate, coordinate, and improve employment, training, literacy, and vocational rehabilitation programs in the U.S.
- WIB - Workforce Investment Board -- responsible for providing policy guidance and oversight of the One-Stop system, youth activities, and employment and training activities in accordance with State criteria
- WIOA - Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act -- legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation's public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers
- WIOA Participant Eligiblity policy - The EmployIndy WIOA Participant Eligibility policy may be found here: https://library.employindy.org/wiki/4-2-wioa-participant-eligibility/ The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on participant eligibility for enrollment into basic, individual, training, and youth services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA). This policy applies to WIOA participants under the funding streams of Adult, Dislocated Workers, and Youth.
- WorkOne Indy partner staff - Anyone who works within the WorkOne Indy system through a contract or MOU. Reference: 1. EmployIndy Conflict of Interest policy, December 2017
- YA - Youth Apprentice -- a paid student worker at a company looking to gain skills to help them in their future
- YAM - Youth Apprentice Manager -- EmployIndy staff who are responsible for monitoring the progress of both the apprentice and the supervisor as a part of the Modern Apprentice Program
- YES - Youth Employment Service -- program designed to provide guidance, resources, and direction for local community organizations so they can support and young adults toward a promising career
↑1, ↑2, ↑5 | https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2021-08-P_Co-Enrollment_Common_Exit.pdf |
↑3, ↑4 | 2021-21-TA_ICC_Training_Activity_Codes.pdf |
↑6 | https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2021-20-TA_Income_Family_AD-DW_Eligibility.pdf |
↑7 | https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2021-15-M_2022_Economically_Disadvantaged_Criteria.pdf |
↑8 | https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2021-16-P_RESEA.pdf |
↑9 | https://www.in.gov/dwd/files/activepolicies/2015-JUL-01-M_IG_Elig_Data_Validation_Except_Youth-Adult_Edu_V3.pdf.pdf |